Category Archives: Uncategorized

These Ecom Experts Share Their Secrets To Succeeding As Digital Entrepreneurs

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, has likely created more success stories across more industries than any other opportunity in the past century. It has created a separate economy, all online, that has given entrepreneurs the opportunity to disrupt every industry. Fashion, beauty, electronics, jewelry, cars and even the real estate industry,…
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Best Practices For Customer Service On Social Media

There’s no denying that the growth of social media interactions between brands and consumers has been explosive, especially over the past five years or so. With 70% of Americans using social media, many consumers have hung up the phone, stopped writing emails and turned to social media to reach out with questions, compliments and, very…
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The Hidden Opportunity for Ecommerce Websites in Google Images

Raj Nijjer / August 11, 2019 Around three-quarters of U.S. internet users regularly or always search for visual content prior to making a purchase, according to eMarketer; only 3% never do. When it comes to shopping online, product images create a positive experience for potential customers. Many experts share that featuring multiple professional images for…
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How Social Media Shapes Our Identity

By Nausicaa RennerAugust 8, 2019 Illustration by Tallulah Fontaine Last year, I had a strange dream. My father and I were wading in an industrial canal, reminiscent of a subway, as thousands of hatchery-raised fish were being released into it. The fish crowded, slimy, around our legs, and I knew (in the way that one…
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